Welcome to


Ewe-ƐƲƐ book club


The first meeting of the Ewe Book Club was March 2, 2025 and we are reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (please see below).

And the discussion will be in Ewe.

Please fill out the form below to sign up or email lifeisgood@thehcjunction.com.

about THE ƐƲƐ - eWE Book Club

Each month we select a book and read a portion of the book each week to discuss. The ƐƲƐ - EWE book club discusses in ƐƲƐ - EWE with native speakers and speakers of moderate to advanced proficiency. However, beginner ƐƲƐ - EWE learners are welcome to attend and listen.

Purpose: the HCJunction is dedicated to the preservation and evolution of the goodness of indigenous languages and cultures. Part of that includes creating more spaces and opportunity to speak our languages and enjoy our languages and communities.

Days: Sundays, unless otherwise noted

Time: 1:30 pm U.S. Eastern, unless otherwise noted

Duration: 1 hour

Where: Online through Google Meet

Price: Free

How to Sign Up: Fill out the form below and you will be sent the link for the weekly online meeting and the option to join the group on Signal to keep the conversation going in between the weekly meeting or to share other books that you are reading.

Book Selection: the first books are/were chosen by the organizers, moving forward the group suggests or votes on books they want to read. We do provide at least 1 month’s notice so people have time to find/get the book in advance.

See below the books we have read and will be reading.


Fill out this form or email lifeisgood@thehcjunction.com.